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32.34 zł
aktualna cena w: 22.08.2023


Opis produktu

BIG UFO ZAGREP WHITE is a high-quality building material that is commonly used in construction projects. It is a type of white-colored UFO (Ultra Fine Optimum) material that offers exceptional durability and aesthetic appeal.

This material is primarily used for creating smooth and sleek finishes on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. It is made up of a blend of premium quality raw materials, including cement, aggregates, and additives, which are carefully selected to ensure superior performance.

One of the key features of BIG UFO ZAGREP WHITE is its ultra-fine particle size, which allows for a seamless application and a flawless finish. The fine particles help to achieve a smooth texture and minimize the appearance of imperfections on the surface.

Additionally, this material is known for its excellent workability and easy application. It can be easily mixed with water to form a consistent paste that can be applied using a trowel or a spray gun. The paste spreads easily and adheres well to various substrates, providing a strong bond and long-lasting results.

BIG UFO ZAGREP WHITE is also highly resistant to cracking, shrinking, and weathering, making it suitable for both interior and exterior applications. It can withstand different environmental conditions, including high humidity and temperature fluctuations, without compromising its performance.

Furthermore, this material offers a high degree of flexibility in terms of design and customization. It can be tinted or painted in various colors to match different aesthetic preferences. It can also be used as a base for decorative finishes, such as stenciling, texturing, or faux finishes, allowing for endless design possibilities.

In summary, BIG UFO ZAGREP WHITE is a versatile and reliable building material that combines durability, aesthetics, and ease of application. Its fine particle size, workability, and resistance to cracking make it an ideal choice for achieving smooth and flawless finishes in construction projects.


TypPłyta gipsowo-kartonowa
Wymiary120x60 cm
Grubość12 mm
WykończeniePowierzchnia gładka
ZastosowanieWykończenie ścian i sufitów
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