

6.33 zł
aktualna cena w: 22.08.2023


Opis produktu

BONO D WHITE is a high-quality building material that is commonly used in construction projects. It is a type of white cement that is specifically designed for applications where a bright white finish is desired.

One of the key features of BONO D WHITE is its superior whiteness, which makes it ideal for creating a clean and modern aesthetic. This white cement is made from specially selected raw materials that undergo a meticulous manufacturing process to ensure consistent quality and color.

BONO D WHITE offers excellent workability, allowing for easy mixing and application. It can be used for various purposes such as rendering, plastering, tiling, and grouting. Its smooth and fine texture allows for a seamless finish, enhancing the overall appearance of the project.

In addition to its aesthetic benefits, BONO D WHITE also offers excellent durability and strength. It has a high resistance to weathering, ensuring that the finished surface remains intact and visually appealing for a long time. It also provides good adhesion to various substrates, ensuring a reliable bond.

Furthermore, BONO D WHITE is known for its low shrinkage properties, reducing the risk of cracks and ensuring the longevity of the structure. It also has a low alkali content, making it suitable for use in areas where alkali-sensitive materials are present.

Overall, BONO D WHITE is a versatile and reliable building material that is widely used in the construction industry. Its exceptional whiteness, workability, durability, and low shrinkage make it a popular choice for achieving a bright and flawless finish in various applications.


RodzajMateriał budowlany
CharakterystykaBiała farba emulsyjna o wysokim kryciu i trwałości
ZastosowanieMalowanie ścian i sufitów wewnątrz pomieszczeń
Pojemność5 litrów
WydajnośćOk. 10-12 m² na litr
Czas schnięcia2-4 godziny
SkładWoda, pigmenty, emulsja lateksowa
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