
Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY

28.72 zł
aktualna cena w: 31.08.2023


Opis produktu

Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY is a high-quality construction material used for various applications in the building industry. It is a type of magnesia cement board that offers excellent durability, strength, and resistance to fire.

This construction material is made from a combination of magnesium oxide (MgO), magnesium chloride (MgCl2), and other additives. It is produced using a special manufacturing process that involves high-pressure pressing and curing, resulting in a dense and compact board.

Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY is known for its exceptional performance in terms of fire resistance. It has a high fire rating and can withstand high temperatures without compromising its structural integrity. This makes it an ideal choice for applications that require fire-resistant materials, such as walls, ceilings, and partitions in commercial and residential buildings.

In addition to its fire resistance, Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY also offers excellent moisture resistance. It is resistant to water and moisture, making it suitable for use in areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. It does not swell or warp when exposed to moisture, ensuring its long-term durability.

Another advantage of Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY is its versatility. It can be easily cut, drilled, and shaped to meet specific design requirements. It can also be painted, tiled, or finished with various decorative materials to achieve the desired aesthetic appeal.

Furthermore, Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY is an environmentally friendly construction material. It is made from natural and non-toxic ingredients, reducing its impact on the environment. It is also recyclable, contributing to sustainability in the construction industry.

Overall, Magnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY is a reliable and versatile construction material that offers excellent fire resistance, moisture resistance, and durability. Its ease of installation and environmental benefits make it a popular choice among builders and architects for various construction projects.


NazwaMagnolia Betty ŁAZUCCY
RodzajFarba do wnętrz
Pojemność5 litrów
WydajnośćOk. 12-15 m²/litr
Czas schnięciaOk. 2 godziny
ZastosowanieWewnątrz pomieszczeń
PodłożeTynki cementowe, tynki gipsowe, płyty kartonowo-gipsowe, beton, cegła
PrzechowywaniePrzechowywać w suchym i chłodnym miejscu, z dala od źródeł ognia
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