

19.87 zł
aktualna cena w: 22.08.2023


Opis produktu

RIANA C MULTI is a versatile and high-quality building material that is commonly used in construction projects. It is a type of multi-purpose cement that offers exceptional strength and durability, making it suitable for various applications.

One of the key features of RIANA C MULTI is its excellent bonding properties. It forms a strong bond with different types of aggregates, such as sand, gravel, and crushed stone, resulting in a solid and stable structure. This makes it ideal for use in concrete mixtures for foundations, walls, and other structural elements.

Another advantage of RIANA C MULTI is its resistance to adverse weather conditions. It can withstand extreme temperatures, moisture, and freeze-thaw cycles without compromising its integrity. This makes it a reliable choice for outdoor applications, including pavements, driveways, and sidewalks.

RIANA C MULTI also offers good workability, allowing for easy mixing and application. It can be used with various construction techniques, such as pouring, pumping, and spraying. This versatility makes it suitable for both small-scale and large-scale projects.

In addition to its strength and durability, RIANA C MULTI is also known for its eco-friendly properties. It is made from natural materials and does not contain harmful substances, making it safe for both the environment and human health.

Overall, RIANA C MULTI is a reliable and efficient building material that offers exceptional performance in various construction applications. Its strength, durability, and eco-friendly nature make it a popular choice among builders and contractors.


TypMateriał budowlany
Charakterystyka techniczna RIANA C MULTI to wielofunkcyjny materiał budowlany o wysokiej wytrzymałości i trwałości. Posiada doskonałe właściwości izolacyjne, zarówno termiczne, jak i akustyczne. Materiał ten jest odporny na działanie wilgoci, pleśni i grzybów, co sprawia, że jest idealny do stosowania zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz budynków. RIANA C MULTI jest łatwy w obróbce i montażu, co pozwala na szybkie i efektywne użycie go w różnych rodzajach konstrukcji. Dodatkowo, materiał ten jest ekologiczny i bezpieczny dla zdrowia, nie emituje szkodliwych substancji.
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