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29.21 zł
aktualna cena w: 28.08.2023


Opis produktu

AQUA DOLUNAY BLACK is a high-quality building material that is specifically designed for use in aquatic environments. It is a black-colored material that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any water-related project.

This material is made from a combination of carefully selected natural minerals and synthetic materials, resulting in a durable and long-lasting product. It is resistant to water, chemicals, and UV rays, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.

AQUA DOLUNAY BLACK is commonly used for the construction and renovation of swimming pools, water fountains, and other water features. Its black color creates a stunning visual contrast against the water, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the area.

In addition to its visual appeal, AQUA DOLUNAY BLACK also offers functional benefits. It has a non-slip surface, providing added safety for users. It is also easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that the water feature remains hygienic and visually appealing.

The material is available in various sizes and thicknesses, allowing for flexibility in design and installation. It can be easily cut and shaped to fit the specific requirements of the project.

Whether you are designing a luxurious private swimming pool or a public water park, AQUA DOLUNAY BLACK is an excellent choice for achieving a sleek and modern look. Its durability, resistance to water and chemicals, and aesthetic appeal make it a preferred material for aquatic environments.


TypFarba do wnętrz
Rodzaj powłokiMatowa
Pojemność5 litrów
ZastosowanieDo malowania ścian i sufitów
PodłożeWewnętrzne powierzchnie betonowe, tynkowe, gipsowe
WłaściwościDobra krycie, łatwe nakładanie, szybkie schnięcie
Zalecane narzędziaWałek, pędzel, natrysk
Temperatura stosowaniaOd 5°C do 30°C
Czas schnięciaOk. 2 godziny
BezpieczeństwoNiepalne, nietoksyczne, niezawierające szkodliwych substancji
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