

11.79 zł
aktualna cena w: 22.08.2023


Opis produktu

UFO ZAGREP is a unique and innovative building material that is revolutionizing the construction industry. It is a type of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) that offers exceptional strength, durability, and design flexibility.

One of the key features of UFO ZAGREP is its incredible strength. It has a compressive strength of over 150 MPa, which is significantly higher than traditional concrete. This makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, including high-rise buildings, bridges, and other structures that require exceptional load-bearing capacity.

In addition to its strength, UFO ZAGREP also offers outstanding durability. It has excellent resistance to corrosion, abrasion, and freeze-thaw cycles, ensuring that structures built with this material will withstand the test of time. This makes it an ideal choice for projects in harsh environments or areas with extreme weather conditions.

Another advantage of UFO ZAGREP is its design flexibility. It can be easily molded into various shapes and sizes, allowing architects and designers to create unique and visually appealing structures. Its smooth surface finish also provides a sleek and modern aesthetic, making it a popular choice for contemporary architectural designs.

Furthermore, UFO ZAGREP is an environmentally friendly material. It is made from a combination of cement, fine aggregates, and specially engineered fibers, reducing the need for traditional construction materials that have a higher carbon footprint. Additionally, its long lifespan and low maintenance requirements contribute to its sustainability.

Overall, UFO ZAGREP is a game-changing material in the construction industry. Its exceptional strength, durability, design flexibility, and environmental benefits make it a preferred choice for architects, engineers, and contractors looking to create innovative and sustainable structures.


TypMateriał budowlany
Charakterystyka technicznaUFO ZAGREP to wysokiej jakości materiał budowlany, który jest używany głównie do wykończenia elewacji budynków. Posiada doskonałe właściwości izolacyjne, co pozwala na utrzymanie odpowiedniej temperatury wewnątrz budynku. Ponadto, UFO ZAGREP jest odporny na działanie czynników atmosferycznych, takich jak deszcz, śnieg, czy promieniowanie UV. Materiał ten cechuje się również wysoką trwałością i odpornością na uszkodzenia mechaniczne. UFO ZAGREP jest łatwy w montażu i dostępny w różnych kolorach, co pozwala na dostosowanie go do indywidualnych preferencji estetycznych. Jest to idealny wybór dla osób poszukujących solidnego i trwałego materiału do wykończenia elewacji swojego budynku.
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