
Beckers Designer Colour 2,5L - Asparagus

62.00 zł
aktualna cena w: 04.08.2023


Opis produktu

Beckers Designer Colour 2,5L - Asparagus is a high-quality paint product that is specifically designed for interior and exterior use. It is a versatile and durable paint that provides a long-lasting finish.

This particular color, Asparagus, is a beautiful shade of green that adds a touch of freshness and vibrancy to any space. It is a medium-toned green with a hint of yellow, reminiscent of the color of fresh asparagus. This color is perfect for creating a calming and soothing atmosphere in bedrooms, living rooms, or any other area where you want to create a sense of tranquility.

The Beckers Designer Colour paint is known for its excellent coverage and smooth application. It is easy to work with and provides a consistent and even finish. The paint is formulated with high-quality pigments that ensure vibrant and true-to-color results.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Beckers Designer Colour 2,5L - Asparagus also offers excellent durability and protection. It is resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The paint is also water-based, which means it is low in odor and easy to clean up with soap and water.

Whether you are looking to refresh the walls of your home or add a pop of color to your outdoor furniture, Beckers Designer Colour 2,5L - Asparagus is a fantastic choice. Its high-quality formulation, beautiful color, and long-lasting durability make it a reliable and stylish option for any painting project.


NazwaBeckers Designer Colour 2,5L - Asparagus
Pojemność2,5 litra
KolorAsparagus (zielony)
ZastosowanieMalowanie ścian i sufitów wewnątrz pomieszczeń
WydajnośćOk. 10-12 m²/litr
Czas schnięciaPrzy temperaturze 20°C - 2-4 godziny
Czas schnięcia do malowania kolejną warstwąPrzy temperaturze 20°C - 16-24 godziny
PodłożeMoże być stosowane na gładkich powierzchniach takich jak tynki cementowe, tynki gipsowe, płyty gipsowo-kartonowe, drewno, beton, itp.
OpakowanieButelka plastikowa o pojemności 2,5 litra
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