
Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Almond

116.00 zł
aktualna cena w: 04.08.2023


Opis produktu

Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Almond is a high-quality, water-based paint that is specifically designed for interior and exterior use. It is a versatile product that can be used on various surfaces such as walls, ceilings, wood, and metal.

The paint comes in a 5-liter container, providing ample coverage for large areas. The Almond color is a warm and inviting shade, perfect for creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere in any space.

One of the key features of Beckers Designer Colour is its exceptional durability. It is formulated to resist fading, cracking, and peeling, ensuring a long-lasting finish. The paint is also resistant to stains and dirt, making it easy to clean and maintain.

Another advantage of this paint is its low odor formulation, making it suitable for use in indoor spaces without causing any discomfort or irritation. It is also environmentally friendly, as it is free from harmful chemicals such as lead and mercury.

The application of Beckers Designer Colour is straightforward. It can be easily applied with a brush, roller, or spray gun, providing a smooth and even finish. The paint dries quickly, allowing for multiple coats to be applied in a short amount of time.

Overall, Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Almond is a reliable and high-quality paint that offers excellent coverage, durability, and ease of application. Whether you are painting your home or a commercial space, this paint will provide a beautiful and long-lasting finish.


NazwaBeckers Designer Colour 5L - Almond
Pojemność5 litrów
PrzeznaczenieWewnątrz pomieszczeń
DziałanieTworzy trwałą i odporną powłokę ochronną
Czas schnięciaOkoło 2 godzin w temperaturze 25°C
ZużycieOk. 12-14 m² na litr
PodłożeMoże być stosowana na gładkich powierzchniach, takich jak tynk, beton, gips, drewno
OpakowaniePlastikowe wiadro
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