
Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Gerbera

116.00 zł
aktualna cena w: 04.08.2023


Opis produktu

Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Gerbera is a high-quality paint product that is specifically designed for use in interior and exterior applications. It is a part of the Beckers Designer Colour range, known for its durability and excellent coverage.

Gerbera is a vibrant and energetic color option offered in the Beckers Designer Colour range. It is a bold shade of orange that adds a touch of warmth and liveliness to any space. The color is inspired by the beautiful and vibrant petals of the Gerbera flower, making it a perfect choice for those who want to create a cheerful and uplifting atmosphere.

This paint is formulated with advanced technology to provide long-lasting protection against weathering, UV rays, and other environmental factors. It is also resistant to cracking, peeling, and fading, ensuring that the painted surface retains its vibrant appearance for years to come.

The Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Gerbera comes in a convenient 5-liter container, providing ample coverage for large surfaces. The paint has a smooth and creamy consistency, making it easy to apply with a brush or roller. It dries quickly to a beautiful matte finish, leaving a seamless and professional-looking result.

Whether you are painting walls, furniture, or any other surface, Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Gerbera is an excellent choice for adding a pop of color and creating a visually appealing space. Its high-quality formulation and durability make it a reliable option for both residential and commercial projects.

Please note that the color appearance may vary depending on the surface, lighting conditions, and application method. It is always recommended to test the color on a small area before applying it to the entire surface.


NazwaBeckers Designer Colour 5L - Gerbera
Pojemność5 litrów
PrzeznaczenieWewnątrz pomieszczeń
WłaściwościWysoka jakość, trwałość, łatwa aplikacja
ZastosowanieDo malowania ścian, sufitów i innych powierzchni wewnątrz budynków
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