
Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Caramel Pudding

116.00 zł
aktualna cena w: 04.08.2023


Opis produktu

Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Caramel Pudding is a high-quality paint product designed for interior and exterior use. It is a rich and warm caramel color that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space.

This paint is formulated with advanced technology that provides excellent coverage and durability. It is resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling, ensuring that your painted surfaces will maintain their beauty for a long time.

The Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Caramel Pudding comes in a 5-liter container, which is perfect for large-scale projects or multiple coats. The paint has a smooth and creamy consistency, making it easy to apply with a brush or roller. It dries quickly and evenly, resulting in a smooth and flawless finish.

One of the standout features of this paint is its low VOC (volatile organic compounds) content. It is eco-friendly and safe to use in any environment, including homes, offices, and commercial spaces. The low odor formula makes it pleasant to work with, without compromising on performance.

Whether you are painting walls, ceilings, or furniture, Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Caramel Pudding is an excellent choice. Its timeless color and superior quality make it suitable for a variety of design styles, from traditional to contemporary.

In summary, Beckers Designer Colour 5L - Caramel Pudding is a top-quality paint that offers exceptional coverage, durability, and a beautiful caramel color. Its eco-friendly and low odor formula make it a great choice for any interior or exterior painting project.


NazwaBeckers Designer Colour 5L - Caramel Pudding
Pojemność5 litrów
KolorCaramel Pudding (karmelowy pudding)
Rodzaj farbyFarba do wnętrz
ZastosowanieDo malowania ścian i sufitów wewnątrz pomieszczeń
WydajnośćOk. 10-12 m² na litr
Czas schnięciaOk. 4 godziny
PodłożeMoże być stosowana na różnych podłożach, takich jak tynk, beton, gips, drewno itp.
TrwałośćDługotrwała odporność na ścieranie i plamy
Przygotowanie powierzchniPowierzchnia musi być czysta, sucha i wolna od luźnych cząstek
AplikacjaNarzędziem malarskim, pędzlem lub wałkiem
Czyszczenie narzędziWoda
BezpieczeństwoProdukt nie jest toksyczny, ale zaleca się stosowanie odpowiednich środków ochrony osobistej (rękawice, okulary ochronne)
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