

16.21 zł
aktualna cena w: 22.08.2023


Opis produktu

OKTAN C WHITE is a high-quality building material that is commonly used in construction projects. It is a type of white cement that is known for its excellent strength and durability.

The main component of OKTAN C WHITE is calcium carbonate, which is a natural mineral that is found in limestone. This gives the cement its white color and also contributes to its strength.

OKTAN C WHITE is commonly used for applications where aesthetics are important, such as in the production of decorative concrete, architectural elements, and precast concrete products. It can be used for both interior and exterior projects.

One of the key advantages of OKTAN C WHITE is its high compressive strength, which makes it suitable for load-bearing structures. It also has a low shrinkage rate, which helps to reduce the risk of cracks forming over time.

In addition to its strength, OKTAN C WHITE is also highly resistant to chemical damage, making it suitable for use in environments where exposure to harsh chemicals is a concern. It is also resistant to weathering, ensuring that it remains durable and maintains its appearance over time.

OKTAN C WHITE is easy to work with and can be mixed with other building materials, such as aggregates and water, to create a variety of concrete mixtures. It can be applied using traditional construction methods, such as pouring, spraying, or troweling.

Overall, OKTAN C WHITE is a reliable and versatile building material that offers excellent strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you are working on a small-scale residential project or a large-scale commercial development, OKTAN C WHITE is a great choice for achieving high-quality results.


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Charakterystyka technicznaOKTAN C WHITE to wysokiej jakości farba do malowania ścian wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych. Posiada doskonałe właściwości kryjące, jest odporna na działanie warunków atmosferycznych, promieniowania UV oraz wilgotności. Farba jest łatwa w aplikacji i zapewnia równomierną powierzchnię. Może być stosowana na różnych rodzajach powierzchni, takich jak tynk, beton, drewno, metal itp. Oferuje trwały i estetyczny wygląd, zabezpieczając powierzchnię przed uszkodzeniami i zabrudzeniami. Farba jest również łatwa do czyszczenia, co ułatwia utrzymanie czystości i świeżości pomieszczeń.
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